Dear Marissa Feigan
Why devote endless hours to ensuring your communications are CMS-compliant when there’s a communications management program that can simplify it for you?
CommONE - Charting a Clear Course to Compliance
Finding a vendor to oversee management of member communications is easy, but finding a vendor capable of managing communications from initial file receipt to final distribution while ensuring compliancy is no easy feat. That’s where Cierant CommONE healthcare communications management program comes in. The CommONE: Compliance Dashboard unites unparalleled operational efficiency with a deep understanding of CMS language, layout and mail regulation to transform compliance communications complexity into streamlined simplicity.
Marissa, learn how you can clear through compliance at the 2015 National Blue Summit.
Schedule Your Appointment with Cierant, Booth #451 today!
Imagine the peace of mind you'd feel knowing your member data is being managed by a world-class information security system…
CommONE – ISO 27001 Certified Secure Data Management
With thousands of customer records being stolen by cyber criminals every day, it is imperative to Cierant Corporation long term growth to find a communications program manager that persistently seeks out new and improved ways to better protect their client's member data. Cierant CommONE is one of the few healthcare communications management programs to pursue ISO 27001 Certification, an information security management system that ensures the privacy and integrity of all client and customer data entrusted to us.
Marissa, learn how you can safeguard your member data and more easily meet compliance standards at the 2015 National Blue Summit.
Schedule Your Appointment with Cierant, Booth #451 today!
Wish you could gain a clearer, more comprehensive view of Cierant Corporation pre- and post-enrollment communications activity?
Now you can.
CommONE – Total Visibility Platform
With thousands of production streams created each day, trying to keep accurate track of the status of each piece on an individual member basis is no easy task. CommONE offers insurers a dynamic suite of real-time reporting tools that display up-to-the-minute material order, production, distribution and compliance status for total process visibility and control.
Marissa, discover how you can gain a clearer view of your customer communications at the 2015 National Blue Summit.
Schedule Your Appointment with Cierant, Booth #451 today!
What if there was a way you could innovate Cierant Corporation communications strategy while creating new savings?
What if you could be the one to guide Cierant Corporation into the future of customer communications?
….There is and YOU can!
CommONE – Process Innovation Tools & Technology
CommONE communications management program helps insurers crush the competition and drive new growth through a unique suite of process innovation tools and leading edge communication strategies. While many health insurance companies struggle to provide consumers with communications when they want them and how they want them, we implement highly effective electronic delivery opt-in strategies that increase engagement while reducing cost.
Marissa, learn how you can drive new growth and increase retention at the 2015 National Blue Summit.
Schedule Your Appointment with Cierant, Booth #451 today!
What if there was a way you could seamlessly tailor Cierant Corporation's marketing message to a market of one?
What if you could be the one to establish Cierant Corporation as a leader in personalized communications?
...There IS and you CAN!
CommONE – Personalized Marketing Communications
In a world of diverse consumer preferences, insurers are increasingly realizing that it is the consumer who should decide the medium and message that is right for them. Cierant’s CommONE is a healthcare communications management program that helps insurers implement preference-based communications strategies. The CommONE: Cross-Media Marketing Platform allows brokers and marketing personnel to personalize, produce and deliver cross-media marketing campaigns and sales materials on-demand for maximum marketing reach and sales conversion.
Marissa learn how you can harness the power of personalization at the 2015 National Blue Summit.
Schedule Your Appointment with Cierant, Booth #451 Today!
What if there was a way you could save Cierant Corporation $2 on every new member welcome kit?
What if you were the one to help Cierant Corporation uncover $200,000.00 in annual postal savings?
...There IS and YOU Can!
CommONE: Cost-Optimized Communications
$200,000. That’s how much CommONE healthcare communications management program saved a mid-sized insurance company on their annual ANOC mailing to a user base of approximately 80,000 members while ensuring 100% compliancy. As an affiliate of the Command Group of Companies, we leverage the most advanced approach to production and distribution cost optimization. CommONE: Cost Optimization maximizes our versatile fleet of print technologies, including both zero-make ready offset and digital inkjet web, proven eDelivery opt-in practices and unique weight-based shipping methodology to deliver supreme savings across the complete supply chain.
Marissa, see how much you can save Cierant Corporation at the 2015 National Blue Summit.